November 30, 2023

Maple Grove host local first responders

Maple Grove host local first responders

In the event of an emergency at one of our locations, it’s important that local first responders reach the incident as quickly as possible—while keeping safe themselves. Helping to ensure this, the Carmeuse Maple Grove Operation, Ohio, recently hosted local fire and EMS teams to educate them about the site and surroundings.

The Maple Grove Operation hosted 25 first responders from the Bascom and Bettsville Volunteer Fire Departments on October 16 for a two hour tour. The visit began with a small token of our appreciation, for their willingness to sacrifice their time and energy to help others, in the form of pizza and refreshments. 

While they ate, our team gave a presentation about the Maple Grove site that covered the history of the plant, an introduction to mining and lime manufacturing, the product types we have onsite and the hazards they present, our emergency procedures, and the resources that would be available to them in the event of an emergency, including water sources and the location of fire hydrants and entrance gates.  

After the presentation, the first responders were shown around the plant so they could see in person the layout and environment, along with any hazards that might occur during an emergency incident. 

“We were pleased to host our local first responders here at the plant and have the opportunity to familiarize them with our facility,” said Vickie Kent of Carmeuse Maple Grove. “In an emergency situation, this will allow them to provide help and resources much more quickly—which could be the difference between life and death.”  

Pictured in the photograph are members of the Bettsville Volunteer Fire Department, (Top) and, members of the Bascom Joint Fire Department, (Bottom).
